Independent Residential Living of Central Indiana sought to rebrand itself with an identity that more closely reflected how its services and mission had evolved since it was founded. The not-for-profit organization chose Tangram, naming itself after a classic puzzle that challenges you to build shapes out of a set of seven geometric forms, including five triangles, one square, and a parallelogram. The nature of the puzzle matched IRL’s focus on helping persons with disabilities assemble the right combination of support, opportunities, and self confidence necessary to lead fulfilling lives. Whereas its old name reflected its founding mission as a provider of group living services, the new identity matched its broadened role as an innovator in its field.
B Plus C Communications created a logo in which a human figure built out of tangram puzzle pieces strides forward toward the organization’s name. The design symbolizes progress, confidence, and ability.
Tangram (formerly Independent Residential Living of Central Indiana)