Automotive Sales Training Systems

Automotive Sales Training Systems

Automotive Sales Training Systems teaches vehicle salespeople to understand the needs and psychology of prospective buyers, creating the kind of trust that can guide transactions—and careers—to success. Less-effective but more-common training methods lead to sales-staff turnover, a widespread problem in the industry. After one year, ASTS graduates remain on the job at more than twice … Continued …

Tangram (formerly Independent Residential Living of Central Indiana)


Independent Residential Living of Central Indiana sought to rebrand itself with an identity that more closely reflected how its services and mission had evolved since it was founded. The not-for-profit organization chose Tangram, naming itself after a classic puzzle that challenges you to build shapes out of a set of seven geometric forms, including five … Continued …

Lee R. Ford

Lee R. Ford & Associates

When the accounting firm of Lee R. Ford & Associates wanted a new logo, B Plus C Communications created a two-color identity design featuring a trio of interlocking plus signs, symbolizing the mathematical underpinnings of the firm’s practice. An optical illusion produces one of the plus signs out of the void between the other two, … Continued …



Because of the importance of building an online presence, naming a new company means creating an identity that hasn’t already been registered as a domain name, which explains some of the (in our humble opinion) downright goofy and contrived names that pop up. For a tech-tutorial website concept focused on graphics software, B Plus C … Continued …

Tomorrow’s Canopy campaign

Crown Hill Heritage Foundation

The emerald ash borer first reached the United States in the 1990s, stowing away in wooden shipping crates bound for Michigan from China. In the insect’s native habitat, many trees display natural immunity to it, but in the U.S., thousands fall prey to its devastating effects every year. At historic Crown Hill Cemetery, this invasive … Continued …

Master Plan outreach

Crown Hill Heritage Foundation

Crown Hill Cemetery embarked on a Master Plan to support this historic not-for-profit institution’s restoration, preservation, and community-partnership needs. Following up on the opportunities and challenges of this document, the Crown Hill Heritage Foundation used direct mail to reach its donor audience with a message about the cemetery’s origins. Titled “From Strawberry Hill to Crown … Continued …

Annual Appeal cards

Crown Hill Heritage Foundation

The third-largest non-governmental cemetery in the United States occupies 555 acres in the heart of Indianapolis. Founded in 1863 as a not-for-profit institution, Crown Hill Cemetery relies on its Heritage Foundation, also not for profit, to preserve and restore the historic treasures on its grounds. The Heritage Foundation calls on B Plus C Communications for … Continued …