The third-largest non-governmental cemetery in the United States occupies 555 acres in the heart of Indianapolis. Founded in 1863 as a not-for-profit institution, Crown Hill Cemetery relies on its Heritage Foundation, also not for profit, to preserve and restore the historic treasures on its grounds. The Heritage Foundation calls on B Plus C Communications for materials to support annual fundraising appeals. One year’s version included a set of eight 8.5-by-5.5 inch two-sided cards, each featuring a different scene from the cemetery.
Because all eight cards emerged from the printing press simultaneously on one large sheet of paper, the output cost stayed virtually the same as if the project had included only one design. The scene shown below depicts the Crown that gives the cemetery its name. Hoosier poet James Whitcomb Riley’s monument graces the spot, which forms the highest natural elevation in the city at 842.2 feet.
View or download the cards here.
Annual Appeal cards