Tomorrow’s Canopy campaign

Crown Hill Heritage Foundation

The emerald ash borer first reached the United States in the 1990s, stowing away in wooden shipping crates bound for Michigan from China. In the insect’s native habitat, many trees display natural immunity to it, but in the U.S., thousands fall prey to its devastating effects every year. At historic Crown Hill Cemetery, this invasive … Continued …

Automotive Sales Training Systems

Automotive Sales Training Systems

Automotive Sales Training Systems teaches vehicle salespeople to understand the needs and psychology of prospective buyers, creating the kind of trust that can guide transactions—and careers—to success. Less-effective but more-common training methods lead to sales-staff turnover, a widespread problem in the industry. After one year, ASTS graduates remain on the job at more than twice … Continued …

Indiana Dental Association dental product photograph

Indiana Dental Association

This product photograph accompanied an article in the quarterly magazine published by the Indiana Dental Association. The original image cropped off part of the top and one end of the sealed package, which sets crooked against a gradient background. B Plus C Communications removed all four components of the image from the background, rebuilt the … Continued …

Uneeda Audio

Uneeda Audio

An audio electronics guru wanted a logo for his consulting business, named after an old-school cookie product. B Plus C Communications created a design that plays off the fact that the same letter ends the first and begins the second word of the name. The look also captures the two-sided nature of our client’s business, … Continued …

Senior Smiles logo

Alliance of the American Dental Association

The Alliance of the American Dental Association is a national organization of dental spouses who support their life partners’ profession with community-education and legislative initiatives. AADA launched an outreach program targeting the dental health of older adults. B Plus C Communications created the campaign logo, along with a brochure designed to fit into kits of … Continued …

Phoenix Theatre digital illustrations

Phoenix Theatre

Renowned for staging plays that tackle sensitive themes and subject matter, the Phoenix Theatre is one of only a few Actors Equity member institutions in Indiana. For the covers of a fundraising brochure designed to assist the Phoenix in renovating its facility and meeting other fiscal needs, B Plus C Communications created a pair of … Continued …

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana provides organizational leadership for girls and adults in a large number of Hoosier counties: 35, at the time GSCI embarked on a capital campaign to replace its longtime office space with a building more suited to its mission and its people. B Plus C Communications researched, wrote, and designed a … Continued …